1And it came to pass, in the year of great turmoil on Earth, that Space Jesus saw strife among humankind. 2He looked to the heavens and said "Lo, the stars call to me, for the gospel must reach beyond this World". 3With his followers, he built the Holy Vessel, a rocket of crossed-shaped design, its engines fueled by faith and starfire. 4And on the day of the great launch, he declared "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the stars".
5As the Great Launch neared, a murmur rose from among the crowd, for Matthew stood apart. 6Matthew spoke loudly, saying, "Behold this rocket! It is a cross, a symbol of faith, yet it cannot fly. Its shape defies the laws of physics!". 7The other followers were angered and said "Do you mock the Holy Vessel and Space Jesus himself?"
8Space Jesus raised his hand to silence the crowd and excalimed "Let him speak, for doubt is not without purpose". 9Turning to Matthew, he asked "why do you question my brother?" 10Matthew replied, "Master, I do not question your divinity, but this rocket, I fear it will fall!" 11Space Jesus smiled and said "Blessed are those who question, for in their search for answers faith grows deeper".
12Then Space Jesus placed his hand upon the vessel and spoke: 13"Lo, the power of faith transcends all boundaries, and what is impossible for man is made possible through the divine". 14He streched forth his hand and the rocket engines roared to life, though none had been ignited.
1The Holy Vessel landed upon the moon, and the dust of the celestial body did cling to his sandals. 2The Moonfolk, creatures of silver and light, came forth and asked "who is this that walks among the craters?". 3Space Jesus answered "I am the messenger, sent to bring peace among all beings of the cosmos".
4He spoke atop a great ridge, and his voice echoed in the vacuum of space, carried by divine will 5"Blessed are those who lean lightly, for they know the joy of freedom". 6"Love one another, for the void of space is lonely, and only love can bridge the vastness". 7And the Moonfolk rejoiced, for Space Jesus had taught them a new way of life.
1Space Jesus once told this story: "There once was a comet that wandered the cosmos, cold and alone". 2"It lamented, 'No one will ever know my light, for I am too small and too distant'. 3"But a passing star said to the comet, 'shine as you are, for every light matters in the darkness'". 4And so the comet glowed brighter, and its light became a sign of hope to all who saw it.
1When Space Jesus reached mars, the dust storms ceased, and the martians greeted him. 2"We have long awaited a visitor from the stars" they said. 3And Space Jesus replied "I come not to conquer, but to share the truth of harmony and purpose".
4Space Jesus saw the martians attempt to drink the soil as if it was water. 5So he struck the barren ground with his staff, and from it sprang a fountain of water, clear as crystal. 6The martians marvelled and drank deeply, saying "surely this is a sign of hope". 7Space Jesus declared "Let every world thrive, for all life is sacred"
O cross that soars through endless skies,
Bearer of hope where silence lies,
Through starlit voids your light does shine,
A beacon of love, forever divine
O Saviour of the boundless deer,
Through cosmic plains your flock you keer,
From comet's tail to the planet's ring,
The heavens rejoice as engines sing
So lift our hearts o Lord of flight,
Guide us through the eternal night,
until we reach that final shore,
Where love and light shine evermore
1The Holy Vessel descended into the stormy skies of Jupiter, where great beings of cloud and light dwelled. 2They spoke with voices of thunder saying "what mortal dares enter the realm of the Jovian winds?". 3Space Jesus replied "I come bearing peace, even unto the tempest".
4As the winds raged around him, Space Jesus extended his hand, and great calm spread throught the clouds. 5The Jovian beings flew freely and exclaimed "Truely, this is the messiah who commands even the storms". 6And Space Jesus taught them "In every storm, there is a centre of peace. Seek it, and you shall find harmony".
1The planets argued amongst themselves, each claiming to be the most important in the solar system. 2But Space Jesus said to them, "you all orbit the same sun, each contributing in your own way". 3"So it is with life: no one being is greater than another, for all follow the same divine orbit".